Participant-led Approach

Two women collaborating in a bright workspace

Participant- led SDA is an approach that puts the participant, or the person receiving support services, at the centre of decision-making. With this approach, the participant has more control over their own life, their home, and the services they receive.

The participant is empowered to make choices about their support services, where they want to live, and the inclusions needed to meet their needs. This includes who provides the service and when and how the service is provided. This approach recognises that every individual has unique needs and preferences, and that they are the best person to determine what works best for them.

The goal of Participant Led SDA is to promote independence, inclusion, and community participation for people with disabilities. When participants have more control and choice, they can live a more fulfilling life and achieve their goals. This approach also provides a more cost-effective and efficient way to deliver support services, as participants only receive the services they need and want.

Apollo’s Participant Led SDA is a person-centred approach that promotes individual choice and control. It is a positive step towards creating a more inclusive and empowering society for people with disabilities.

At Apollo SDA, we pride ourselves on having a participant-led approach centred around the participants individual needs for their dream home. An important part of this is being involved in the initial design process, so we can develop a home that is catered to the tenant’s individual and specific needs, in a location that they love, whilst also having choice and control around their care needs. We also believe in building a community environment, particularly in our multi-dwelling community residences, with shared facilities such as BBQ areas, fully accessible hydrotherapy pool, recreational areas, and sensory gardens where tenants can enjoy time with each other as well as family and friends.

To us, being Participant-led means that our homes are designed in a participant-informed way, resulting in homes that meet each participant’s functional, sensory and support needs, in a home that they love.

If you would like more information on Apollo’s participant-led approach, click here.   View our homes here or you can leave a message for one of our journey managers and they will contact you.  Leave a message